New product introduction

For the introduction of a new product it is of utmost importance, that you create the customers confidence that all the development work has been carried out and that proper testing and test results are available. If test areas or small project results are available this can also be used for the introduction. Apart from that the following material shall be available and JGC can assist in preparing it and training the sales staff and technical service staff. It is quite important that your own people know as much as possible about the new product.

  1. Technical data sheet
  2. Product information sheet
  3. MSDS
  4. Available test results
  5. Specification guidelines
  6. Available case stories if any also from test areas
  7. Production samples for test areas. Most customers will want to apply a test area before a full scale test.
  8. A customer presentation
  9. Clear product profile
  10. Clear product positioning
  11. Comparison with existing products or competitors product
  12. Clear pricing strategy
  13. Establishment of a feed back system